Welcome To

Ghana Aid

About Us

Ghana Aid was created in 2020 with the sole aim and purpose of supporting the local communities in and around Accra, Ghana by uniting the diaspora—the local community, and those visiting Ghana. Initially, we aimed to engage 500 youth in sports and recreation efforts, and our annual football tournament and fundraiser was started. In 2022, Ghana Aid went harder and built upon its sports efforts to tackle other pressing needs such as health and educational support.

Our Impact

From recreational sports to clean water initiatives, Ghana Aid is working to improve the health and wellness of communities in many ways.

Our Team

Muhammed "Junior" Jimbah

Founder & Chief Impact Officer

Founder Muhammed “Junior” Jimbah was born in London, England into a large Ghanaian family and quickly developed a love for football through playing with cousins and the local area kids. From the age of one to four years old, Junior lived with his grandmother in the Newtown area of Accra, Ghana, and would return to Ghana every summer for the six week holiday period. Through this early foundation, his deep connection to the motherland was derived. No matter which country he was in, the commonality was football, which further cemented his love for the sport. On return visits to Ghana, Junior would play football in the local areas, his fear of standing out made him scrap his football equipment: socks, shin pads, and footwear and play barefoot like the true locals. He played like this at least up until the age of 15 and his unofficial teammates were displaying signs of true talent and potential to turn pro and play as professionals. Still, this natural talent had a void, the inability to purchase and the lack of access to sports equipment left his friends and

Our Initiatives

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News & Events

Afrochella FoundationDonates Food, Footwear ToDomiabra Methodist BasicSchool – Classic Ghana

Festive Campaign Review – Team Ghana EU
Home is Where the Heart Is – Team Ghana EU
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